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Nigeria is to spend 1.5 trillion Naira for 2024 as shown in the education budget approved for MDAs (Ministries Departments and Agencies). Will Nigeria’s 2024 education budget lift Africa’s most populous education sector out of the deteriorating academic quality and infrastructure deficits?

MDAs allocation covers diverse initiatives, including the construction of quality assurance complexes, the development of education management information systems, and programs to promote agriculture and food security. Legal education, space research, technology management, and infrastructure development are add-ons.

Federal Ministry of Education has a total of ₦1.4 trillion, while ₦81 billion is spread across the Armed Forces, Federal Ministry of Labour, and other MDAs for education, research, and skill development.

Investing in education is critical for our country’s overall development, and central to realizing the NESG’s (Nigerian Economic Summit Group) report on education as an imperative tool for achieving shared prosperity in Nigeria.

Do you want to learn more about Nigeria’s education budget 2024, click here 2024 EDUCATION BUDGET ACROSS MINISTRIES DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES.pdf.

To access an infographic summarizing Nigeria’s 2024 education budget, click here.


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